CANNAHEALTH Pet Health | Seite 16

The goal is to keep your medical marijuana away from light and heat, the factors that cause THC to degrade into CBN. The best way to do this is to store your Cannabis in small, light-proof, air-tight containers, which you can easily find on Amazon or other online retailers for $20 or less.

Here is a good example of what you want to look for. Notice how the jar is tinted brown, which helps block out light. Do not simply buy plastic Tupperware, which is clear and does nothing to keep light out.

Keep the lids tightly sealed at all times, and be sure to store the jars somewhere cool and dry, like the back of a closet or food pantry. You should avoid storing your Cannabis in the fridge or freezer, because this can cause condensation to form, potentially leading to the growth of pathogens. You always want to avoid allowing moisture to develop in, on, or around your medication.

If you have curious pets or children, it’s a good idea to err on the side of caution and store your medicine on a high shelf that’s impossible for them to reach. You can even keep the jars inside a locked box for added protection. Remember that you are responsible for keeping your medication away from others; particularly minors.

Can Marijuana Expire? Do Cannabis Edibles Ever Go Bad?

Cannabinoids and terpenes are found in marijuana, but what about the actual plant material itself? In a word, can Cannabis plants rot or


It’s possible, but highly unlikely as long as you buy from an approved dispensary and avoid fishy delivery services (which you should do anyway for your own personal safety).

Cannabis is a natural organism, which means, like any other plant or flower, it will always be vulnerable to factors like mites, fungus, mold, weather, overzealous watering, excess light and heat, and various deficiencies, such as phosphorus, nitrogen, iron, and calcium deficiencies. However, patients can rest assured that Massachusetts has some of the nation’s strictest regulations when it comes to how Cannabis plants are tested for safety. Plus, when you think about it, growers don’t want to earn bad reputations for producing an unusable product – otherwise they would go out of business.

For these reasons, sick or bug-infested plants are extremely unlikely to even come close to reaching a Massachusetts marijuana dispensary. However, though the chances of this occurring are extremely small, you should avoid using any Cannabis that seems wet or soggy, which indicates excess water retention (and with it, the possibility of mold). Cannabis should be dry and mildly sticky when purchased, never damp or gooey.

Marijuana plants should not rot when properly cultivated. However, consumers of marijuana edibles should still be wary. Even if the THC doesn’t change in a harmful way, ingredients like milk and eggs certainly can – and that’s not something you want to fool around with if you can help it.