CANNAHEALTH Pet Health | Page 15

of the reasons why we always recommend that patients look for moderate-potency Cannabis (about 15% THC).

Regardless of how much (or how little) is initially present, THC can degrade when exposed to air and warm temperatures, converting into a substance called CBN (Cannabinol). This process won’t make your marijuana toxic or dangerous, but will change its effects. CBN is a soporific, which means a substance that makes you sleepy. Therefore, as CBN levels increase, the affected Cannabis will have a greater tendency to make you drowsy.

But cannabinoids aren’t the only compounds that can affect marijuana’s potency – and they aren’t the only compounds that can change over time, either.

have a greater tendency to make you drowsy.

But cannabinoids aren’t the only compounds that can affect marijuana’s potency – and they aren’t the only compounds that can change over time, either.

As I noted in my article on eliminating marijuana odors, studies have shown that compounds called terpenes, which are responsible for marijuana’s distinctive “skunky” smell, may also impact marijuana’s psychoactive effects when present at certain levels. Terpenes are volatile chemicals that will evaporate over time if exposed to heat. This is likely to have an effect on the affected marijuana’s potency.

volatile chemicals that will evaporate over time if exposed to heat. This is likely to have an effect on the affected marijuana’s potency.

What’s the Best Way to Store Your Marijuana and Preserve Freshness?

Just as there are proper ways to store food to maximize freshness, the same applies to Cannabis. By storing your medical Cannabis under certain conditions, you can help stop terpenes and cannabinoids from changing with time.

