CANNAHEALTH Opioids, Veterans and Addiction | Page 60

Radrigo N. said the reasons he had to stop sipping syrup had everything to do with how his body and bank account began to feel.

"I first stopped because you start to lose money buying it from sources, that kept shrinking and shrinking to the point you felt you had a rare pair of shoes that no one else had when you keep buying syrup," said Radrigo. "You start sipping every other night if not every night and the physical side effects start to set in. It’s hard to use the bathroom at all because you get mad constipated. The syrup seems to just sit in your body because it's much more thicker than average liquids."

As long as it is promoted as a recreational drug, it's going to be hard for a person to just walk away."Cannabis is cool to reference because it has multiple positive health benefits that many people get benefits from", said Radrigo when discussing the impact music has when it comes to making codeine seem like a cool thing to do. He continues, "marketing a strong substance like it in music now is disappointing because these artists should know there’s young kids that listen to their music. Every time I hear a song on the radio reference it, it makes me upset because I know how and why I started and it’s a mind state that’s forced on you and easy to fall and stay in, until it's too late." Elz agrees. The marketing alone is a powerful vehicle and the terrors of what longtime use could do hasn't fully kicked in yet.

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