CANNAHEALTH Children & Cannabis | Page 54

Harper’s seizures completely.

I’ll never forget giving the CBD oil to Harper and seeing the immediate impact it had on her quality of life. Within the first three days we had eye contact and verbalization sounds from her, an attempt to interact with us physically and she was now able to show us that she was with us mentally. It wasn’t long before she went a day without a seizure! And then another day without a seizure!

Before we knew it she was at 45, 50 then 60 days without a seizure. Harper even came out of her stupor, her shell, and interacted with the family, we got her little personality back. She got to meet her baby brother Seth after he was born late in 2014.

How was this even possible? After three years of living in hell there was finally light! Harper does not simply exist here on Earth but rather she lives!

In the end, I am honored that she chose me to be her partner in helping her accomplish more in five years than most people do in a lifetime without ever having to utter a single word herself.