CANNAHEALTH Cardiovascular Health | Page 6


A Case for Cannabis Vaporization

For cannabis consumers, there is an ever-growing selection of cannabis administration methods available. Cannabis can be inhaled, ingested, applied topically and transdermally, taken as a sublingual, inserted rectally and vaginally. Out of all of these options, inhalation is the most popular route of administration with smoking reigning supreme as the number one consumption method of cannabis users everywhere.

Inhaled cannabis takes effect within minutes, is easy to titrate up as needed, and has the shortest peak time out of all of the administration methods. Basically, inhaling cannabis gives the consumer the most control over their experience. These are some of the reasons why cannabis

consumers prefer inhalation, especially smoking. But is smoking cannabis safe? Well, the answer in my nurse’s opinion — smoking is never completely safe. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that smoking is not the safest or healthiest method of cannabis administration, mainly from the people who smoke cannabis. Reports of sore throats, bronchitis, sinus congestion, sinus infections, and frequent colds are not uncommon amongst cannabis smokers.

Why do cannabis consumers report these symptoms?

Inhaling smoke exposes the sensitive throat, airway, and lungs to irritants like heat, toxic chemical compounds such as carbon monoxide, and tar.