CANNAHEALTH Cardiovascular Health | Page 31

rise. Evaluating the heart and mind together holds heavy potential for new solutions, providing the option for efficient noninvasive medicinal Cannabis practices.

The study of brain-heart connection, or Neuroradiology, depicts an extremely co-dependent relationship between the cardiovascular and neurological systems. In fact, the heart is so involved in relaying information to the brain, it provides knowledge, physiological response to emotional and stress stimuli as well as positive and negative feedback.

By feeding information to the brain, the heart is far more connected to the nervous system. In fact, the heart completes a vital feedback system of nerves. With around 40,000 neurons, the heart has the capacity to sense, feel, learn and remember. It’s through these muscle memory patters we can learn quickly and retrieve vital survival skills. Furthermore, the heart can change how the brain processes information, it’s through these interconnected processes that we can break our mind-body connection.

heart can change how the brain processes information, it’s through these interconnected processes that we can break our mind-body connection.

Daily stressors and stimuli can break this bond by pushing the limits of our brain and heart plasticity. The more we move away from our “middle ground” our body and mind must keep up through adaptations. Eventually, through unbalanced behavior the mind-body connection can be twisted to where neither can be properly recognized.

Maladaptation. Where a trait becomes more detrimental than helpful when pursued, especially in regards to stress response. The heart can only undergo so much maladaptation or develop new negative feedback pathways. Learned maladaptive responses from stress are associated with hypersecretion of body fluids. This ultimately affects the balance of the body and its systems.