CANNAHEALTH Cardiovascular Health | Page 20


As an adult, I’m still learning the benefits of medicinal cannabis and the human body. I find something new almost every day. A friend that uses medical cannabis because of gall bladder issues, anxiety, depression and adult ADHD.

If those with cardiovascular issues were introduced to the wonders of cannabis in some form along with ACE Inhibitors, the extensive list of calcium channel blocking agents and other medications that most will need to take for the rest of their lives, had they been given a cannabis option as well would have made other choices (American Heart Association, 2017). How many drug cocktails do we really want to take on a daily basis? I question do we want a health care system or continue with the sick-care system that we have?

I can recall my son at 19 years old had dislocated his shoulder while he was at work. He was taken to a local hospital emergency room. He came home with his shoulder in a sling and a full bottle of Vicodin. I asked him how much pain he was in, can he get by with aspirin, Tylenol or an Advil. My son was tall for his age, very polite and I’m sure the doctor or someone thought he was over the age of 21 and may have been able to handle Vicodin. I worried about addiction and abuse. We disposed of the medication. I would have gladly given him a form of medical cannabis rather than an addictive and highly abused drug. I'm not a visionary or fortune-teller but I just wonder what would have happened if all the adolescents that were given that first bottle of Vicodin, Lithium and Ritalin were given an informed medicinal cannabis option first. Would we be facing the opioid epidemic that we have now?