CANNAHEALTH Cardiovascular Health | Page 8

According to Harvard Medical School, cannabinoids have a complex impact on the cardiovascular system, producing dilated blood vessels and increased heart rate. Certain cannabinoids may also cause the heart to beat harder. For these reasons alone, it is important for a person with heart disease, or a history of heart problems to work with a qualified health provider to determine if cannabis is safe to use. People with heart and lung conditions should abstain from smoking anything at all.

Harm reduction happens with vaporization.

It’s important to note that cannabis promotes healing in the body if consumed in a therapeutic way. There are many therapeutic methods of cannabis administration to try. A safe alternative to smoking cannabis flower is vaporization.

Vaporization is the process by which cannabis flower is heated to a temperature below its point of combustion (392°F) that effectively releases cannabinoids from the trichomes (the resin glands.) The resulting vapor is then inhaled.

Since the cannabis flower is not heated to the point of combustion, and fire is not the heating element, less respiratory irritants and toxic chemicals are produced. As a result, vaporization greatly reduces or eliminates the negative impacts that smoking cannabis can produce which means more benefits from the cannabinoids can be enjoyed, and bouts of yuck related to smoking cannabis can be avoided.

There are many vaporizers available on the market ranging from discreet handheld devices, to large table top devices. A heating source combined with a delivery appliance comprises most vaporizers, yet the models available on the market are as varied as cannabis strains. If you’re shopping for a vaporizer, make sure you do your research. You’ll want to scoop up a vaporizer that produces a high percentage of vapor and a very low percentage of smoke to maintain your health and safety. It’s a worthy investment into your health and well-being. And in case you were wondering, you deserve to be well.

-Marissa Fratoni