CANNAHEALTH Cardiovascular Health | Page 15

Cannabis and Irregular Heartbeat (Cardiac Dysrhythmias)

As a 2012 study published in Harm Reduction Journal uncovered, “[C]ardiac arrhythmia [i.e. irregular heartbeat] ha[s] been associated with the use of Cannabis. The occurrence of arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation seems to be associated with effects resulting from the parasympathetic stimulation induced by Cannabis and observed with the use of higher doses.” Additionally, another study published last year in Substance Abuse noted that “Marijuana smoking has been shown to exert adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and often causes… tachycardia [i.e. rapid heart rate] and hypotension [i.e. low blood pressure]. It is also reported to be a possible cause of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.” The tachycardia and hypotension observed in the study were both described as being “well-tolerated.” However, they can still pose some health hazard for patients with compromised cardiovascular systems, particularly patients with prior atrial fibrillation.

While marijuana carries some risks for cardiovascular patients, others may benefit from carefully-monitored use under the guidance of a qualified medical cannabis physician. If your quality of life is being negatively impacted by a serious medical condition associated with high blood pressure, you may be a good candidate for medical Cannabis.

-Dr. Jordan Tishler