CANNAHEALTH Cannabis 101: Patient & Caregiver | Page 39

Nearly 70 percent of all cannabidiol (CBD) products being sold online were either over or under labeled., according to a JAMA study published in November 2017, causing potential serious harm to its consumers. As a physician getting ready to recommend cannabis to patients, that was not acceptable. So I ordered all the products that were available online and started testing them myself.

It became clear that if I was going to do this

right, I needed to make my own. So I sourced local farmers to grow hemp and formulate a process and began work on our own product.

What we now have is a quality, trusted CBD product that my patients can feel good about taking.

CBD Formulations and the Beginning of IHS

Since CBD had helped this small group of high risk patients, we wanted all of our patients to consider using it. But we needed to make sure the product was exceptional if we were going to broadly recommend it in our clinics, and the information we were finding about the current inventory of product, was discouraging.