CANNAHEALTH An Overview of Cannabis | Page 43

Hi! My name is Caryl Barrett and I have Transverse Myelitis, a lesion in the myelin of my spinal cord, an autoimmune disease bought on by another autoimmune disease, Neuro Sarcoidosis. Both of these are very rare neurological autoimmune diseases.

In August of 2011 I had a big neurological attack while at work. My whole body was spasming affecting my breathing. I had pins and needles that were out of this world and I lost the ability to walk. I was admitted to hospital and was given intravenous steroids and after further attacks two more doses of intravenous steroids over a six month period. However I was progressively getting worse

Cannabis Stopped Progression of My Disease


But even on Cellcept I was still having attacks until finally neurological fatigue, loss of fine motor control and body spasms all became so much that I had to stop working. At this stage I was not looking forward to a long life and I was not enjoying life anymore.

In desperation my husband encouraged me to try cannabis. To my surprise it worked! I thought it was just something that made you high with no medicinal benefits. I have now been using whole plant CBD/THC medicine for nearly 2 years. I have not had anymore relapses and my spinal cord is working better. I can wiggle my toes again, straighten my legs with out them spasming and point and flex my ankles. I have about 80% less neuropathy and pain from spasms in my legs and feet and a lot less neurological fatigue. I can walk further, with two walking sticks, but still need to use a wheel chair for things like grocery shopping etc.

CBD has stopped the progression of my disease and my doctors find it hard to dispute the fact that cannabis is healing my body.

Medicating with cannabis has enabled me to be more in tune with my body, and after a year I managed to wean myself off all my prescription medications.

after each attack and was put on Cellcept, an immunosuppressant, to control my immune system. I was also taking 5 mg of Valium twice a day, 2 to 4 mg of Zanaflex four times a day and many Oxycodone everyday just so I could sort of function, in a drug induced fog.