CANNAConsumer Magazine August 2017 | Page 173

Cannabis Elixer — Cannabis drink

Blunt — Cigar hollowed out and filled with marijuana, can be smoked in public (somewhat)inconspicuously.

Bubbler — A handheld pipe (normally made of blown glass) that has a water resevoir at the bottom, which helps to cool the smoke and makes for a smoother hit than a dry pipe. Bubblers are the middle ground between a traditional pipe and the larger, less travel-friendly bong.

Clone — A clipping from a cannabis plant, which can then be rooted and grown. Like many plants, cannabis can be asexually propagated via cloning, which creates an exact genetic copy of the “mother plant.” Most cannabis strains are really nothing more than a chosen close which has been passed around.

Nail — A metal device which looks like a nail with a very thick head, they are normally made of grade 2 titanium, quartz, or ceramic, but cheaper versions can also be made from borosilicate glass. This is the part of the rig which is headed with a torch and then has the concentrate dropped onto it, causing the vaporization process to take place. When heating a nail, it is best to get it right to red hot and then let it cool for a few seconds prior to dabbing, as this makes the smoke a little easier on the throat as well as preserves terpenes.