Miss Vee
and Mary Clause
Subscribe to see Miss Veeʼs and others testimonies of the
incredible healing benefits of Medicinal Cannabis
Introducing some of The NSW Hemp gals. Every month Miss Vee will bring you testimonies
of Auzzieʼs who have chosen to use Cannabis for better quality of life. And Mary Clause will
continue to focus on her cause and the #visionforaustralia
If Mary had a little Cause,
this is what it would be.
She would firstly make Australia a “ No Fracking Country”
And Save our Land, Water and Tree's
She would make cannabis legal and encourage people to take back their power and grow and
make their own medicine for them selves, and their family and sick friends.
She would encourage people to walk the path of love, kindness, compassion, integrity and respect
for themselves, their neiubours and this precious land we live on.
She would encourage local councils to build and maintain community gardens with fruit trees and
Hemp plants planted in all streets and local parks.
She would demand