Canine Quarterly - ADBA CQ OCT 18 | Page 5

diversity. I had gotten a couple from old Nuttall stuff bred up by Todd Hixson. These Patty’s suited me and were some of the best people Patty’s I had ever seen. The red “Curley Pat” produced some excellent pups from “Chay Ho”. “Digroe” (Digger), was also a good one as a watch dog or hunter. Both had worked before I got them and certainly knew how to dispose of things and were dogs that you couldn’t help but like. “Digger” had hunted raccoons by himself and could certainly do this in spite of being just a little too stocky for my liking. “Curley Pat” ended up in the Czech Republic with Zuzana Hodovo. I’ve heard she produced some excellent pups and was said to be one of her favorites. I was fortunate enough later to get “Nuttley”, who represented some of the modern day Nuttall stuff and one of the most durable dogs that I have ever seen or owned. He has produced some of the best dogs that I have ever seen or owned. He has produced some good pups and will probably be here until he dies. I got the “Gouldie” bitch at the same time, who was a Gould bred dog that sure gave my breeding program a shot in the arm. She has produced some excellent dogs and a half sister to the famous “Boris” dog. “Black Hole Patty”, from Reuvers, was also a key factor in my breeding program as was “Natasha”, a daughter of “Boris”. I some how ended up with “Trasher”, a famous coon killer from Randy Chavez. I was certainly fortunate to get him and felt Randy’s dogs to be some of the best going. He too is an old time Pit Bull man. “Trasher” is one of those Pattys who will get on anything and bite certain people who were silly enough to try and pet him. I am real fortunate in my endeavors with these little game dogs and the more I am around them, the more similar they are to the American Pit Bull Terriers. While they are some of the hardest dogs on the planet, most are people soft. They will challenge a Grizzly Bear and think nothing of it. Swat one with a rolled up newspaper, my favorite training tool, and some will sulk around mad at you for a month. The older I get, the more I appreciate the easier to handle, more laid back bulldogs, especially the smaller ones, which I have always been partial to anyway. The Patty’s, in spite of being pretty high energy, are manageable and very likable which “works for me.” GRAND CARPET MILL © THE ULTIMATE K-9 TREADMILL Design techniques engineered into the pet exerciser to increase overall effectiveness and properly build your dogs cardiovascular endurance while building lean muscle tissue through design not bulk. WWW.GRANDCARPETMILL.COM ORDER ONLINE WITH MC/VISA OR SEND CHECK/MONEY ORDERS TO: GRAND CARPET MILL 2300 W. DEAN RD. TEMPERANCE, MI 48182-9400 734-847-3759 [email protected] 5