Canine Quarterly - ADBA CQ OCT 18 | Page 3

Our front cover ADBA’s Top Pointed Weight Pulling American Bully Attention JENSEN’S “A/A VIII” KING ROMEO” Owned by Darren Jensen of Badland Kennel This will be the last issue of the ADBA Canine Quarterly. If your subscription is not up please contact the ADBA for a back issue replacement, refund on remaining issues or receive APBT Gazette back issues. 801-936-7513 [email protected] Please watch for features on the Patterdale Terrier, American Bully and Working Pit Bulldogs in the ADBA Newsletter. Featured on page 13 "Razors Edge Diehard Shamrock" Gomez' "Diehard Chief" "Bluepride's Hurtado's Rocco" Burton's "Cement" "Vicious Munoz" Ramirez' "Traviesa" Burton's "Tyson" Burton's "Nike" Moore's "Raider II" Barajas' "Notorious Juan Gotty" "All Beef Precious" Faciane's "Juan E'tha Gotti" "Gray Line Calee Love Bluegood" Barajas' "Notorious Juan Gotty" "Mikelands Blue Monkey" "Razors Edge Diehard Shamrock" Gomez' "Diehard Chief" "Bluepride's Hurtado's Rocco" Burton's "Cement" "Azul Munoz" Ramirez' "Traviesa" Burton's "Tyson" BurTon's "Nike" "Razors Edge Diehard Shamrock" Gomez' "Diehard Chief" "Blueblood/Bluepride Lazy" A. & J.'S "Stitch Of Aztlan" Ramirez' "Traviesa" "Razors Edge Ed Call Him Lil Man" "Razors Edge Tequilla Sunrise" INSIDE FEATURES Advertising for these breeds is available at Patterdale Terriers ........................................................ 04 1,2,3’s of Successful Bully Breeding .......................... 06 We thank you for your support! How Animal Control Gets Away with taking your dogs.... 10 Jensen’s “A/A VIII King Romeo” .................................. 13 American Bully Popular Bloodlines............................. 17 Patterdale Q & A ............................................................ 19 Beware HOA’s ................................................................ 20 Everything you need to know about Frozen Semen... 22 Bully Q & A .................................................................... 25 Working Pit Bulldog Popular Bloodline ...................... 28 Do Right Dog Owner Vs. The Guilttripz ...................... 30 Patterdale Popular Bloodline ....................................... 34 3