You would think the government would want to keep harmful weapons and deadly drugs out of the country, right? Wrong. As this is what they did while also making deals with notorious drug cartels.
The CIA secretly funded millions of dollars over the past years to the Contra rebels that were trying to overthrow Nicaragua’s communist government.
During Ronald Reagan’s presidency, he was opposed towards the Soviet Union’s attempts on promoting communism around the world. According to the Salem Press, “He believed that the 1979 Sandinista revolution had brought Nicaragua into the "evil empire" of the Soviets. For him, Nicaraguans who fled into Honduras between 1979 and 1981 were refugees from communism." Soon after Reagan was sworn into office, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) organized the Contras, rebel force of refugees.
Central America was viewed as the backyard of the United States by the Reagan Administration. In 1981, officials stated that Nicaragua and Cuba were sending aid to the Communist Rebels in El Salvador and Guatemala. By aiding the Contras against their government and helping Salvadorian and Guatemalan governments, Reagan and his staff believed they were helping and protecting the people of Central America and the United States.
CIA Responsible for Creating Powerful Drug Cartels
By Maria Najar