Candor American-Global Relations | Page 30


The United States Military

By Jadyn Zediker

About the Military

Captain Bart Zediker

Captain Bart Zediker of the 185th Air Force was in Ponca camping when he got a phone call saying he needed to fly to Cedar Rapids to help out with the terrible flood that had occurred. His job was to answer phone calls from people that call about their troubles there. He would then transfer calls from the Air Force to the Army and vice versa so they could stay up to date with what was going on and where people needed help. Captain Zediker played a huge role in helping with the flood because he was the connection between the people and the bases.

According to Captain Bart Zediker, “living on the bases was like living in a small town.” There’s bowling allies, stores, gas stations, car washes, and many more. He said it was a safe place for children to walk to school, and around five o’clock every night, they would play the national anthem. He was a cook at the time when he was deployed to South Korea at the Camp Grieves Base. “Living there for a year was a life changing experience,” Captain Zediker stated.

Fusce ut augue convallis, porttitor nisi a, ultricies

The United States military plays a huge role all around the world. For example, many countries need the money America supplies for letting them build a base. It also strengthens the United States’ national defense, and helps the United Nations back up their claim to keep peace. Also, many of the countries ask the United States to build a base so they can feel protected. The military provides protection to the citizens and territory from threats made by other countries. They also help in very hard times that occur in those foreign nations, such as floods, disease outbreaks, and rescue operations.

First, many people wonder what they would do if they joined the military. There are multiple jobs anyone could choose from that would suit them best. There are currently five branches that are part of the military, which is known as the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and the Coast Guard. Once you join a branch, there are many types of careers you could do. For example, you could do accounting, medical, arts/design, technician, counseling/social work, transportation, culinary services, and many more. All of these job are essential to creating full - functioning military base.

Military Bases Around the World

Military Service

Call to Service

Life on a Military Base