Candor American-Global Relations | Page 26



in the World.

1. North Korea.

North Korea and Russia make it very difficult to do what the USA is destined for. Communist-filled countries will do everything in their power to stop the U.S. from carrying out their responsibility. One example of that is Kim Jon-Un, North Korea’s leader. Kim Jon-un started assessing their first ever nuclear test weapons. The world is on the verge of a Nuclear War. According to Trump, he said, “If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.” Furthermore, “Rocket Man is on a suicide mission.” (Fredrick’s, Bob). This means that the United States will not settle for anything less than war.

2. The U.S. Defenders of the World.

Another big responsibility the USA has is defending the world from acts of terror. Many horrific events have been caused from acts of communism or terrorism. An example on that is the attack on 9/11. This dreadful event in human history has led to the fight against Afghanistan , which later led to the killing and death of Osama Bin-Laden (Tierney, Dominic). It is America’s job to stop, and prevent horrendous acts of terrorism. America is definitely one of the toughest countries out there, which could be seen as a good thing and a bad thing. However, some countries look to the U.S. for support and defense while others look to America as competition and a threat. Yet it is our job to protect the people’s freedoms and rights. We do what is essential to make the world a better place, not only what is necessary for the U.S.

Every country in the world has a role to play in terms of international action. People are all given tasks to play in society, but that is also true for people within different regions around the globe. Every country has a responsibility. America’s part is to spread freedom and justice. The USA has been a caretaker for many countries who see the U.S. as a leader and an ally. But for many others, America is seen as a threat. However, America still has strong, vital responsibilities to carry out for the rest of the world. Yet carrying out freedom and justice isn’t very easy.

By Oscar Little