Candor American-Global Relations | Page 19


Spending More?

The private donors seem to spend more money on foreign aid. They have spent almost $50 billion more than the U.S. government. Also, Famous entrepreneurs and philanthropists have spent billions of dollars on foreign aid, such as Bill Gates. Bill Gates and his wife have spent almost half of their $84 billion fortune on foreign aid and charities.

Worth it?

Studies have shown that foreign aid could be worth it since it can help people that are in need of assistance or if they've been affected negatively by wars or natural disasters. Foreign aid helps keep countries from becoming volatile and dangerous to others. It can help keep them from starting, even more wars and fights by making alliances and friendships with countries that are in need of help. Foreign aid can help stabilize countries and ensure people won't go hungry. It can help end maternal and child mortality.

A child is vaccinated while Bill Gates watches at the Ahentia Health Centre in Ghana

Bill Gates helps people in India by giving polio vaccines to children

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