The CIA’s primary and the main mission is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and senior US government policy makers in making decisions relating to national security. This could be a very difficult process that may include many steps. First, we have to identify a problem or an issue of national security that may concern the US government. According the CIA, in some cases, they are directed to study an intelligence issue, such as what activities terrorist organizations are planning, or how countries that have biological or chemical weapons plan to use these weapons. Then the CIA will look for a way to collect information about the issue and try to stop it from happening.
There are many different ways the CIA is able to search for information. “Translating foreign newspaper and magazine articles and radio and television broadcasts provides open-source intelligence. Imagery satellites take pictures from space, and imagery analysts write reports about what they see, for example, how many airplanes are at a foreign military base. Signals analysts work to decrypt coded messages sent by other countries.” The CIA will hire foreign people to give them information about their countries.
The CIA will get all the information they could get or find, “after this the intelligence analysts pull together the relevant information from all available sources and assess what is happening, why it is happening, what might occur next, and what it means for US interests. The result have a timely effort and objective assessments, free of any political bias, provided to senior US policymakers and according to the CIA it is in the form of a finished intelligence products that include written reports and oral briefings.” One of these reports is the President’s Daily Brief, is an Intelligence Community product, which the US president and other senior officials receive every single day. “It is important to know that CIA analysts only report the information and do not make policy recommendations, making policy is left to agencies such as the State Department and Department of Defense. These policymakers use the information that CIA provides to help them formulate US policy toward other countries” (CIA). The CIA is not a law enforcement organization, this is what the FBI is for. However, the CIA and the FBI cooperate on a number of issues, such as counterintelligence and counterterrorism. Additionally, the CIA may also engage in covert action in the President’s direction and in accordance with applicable law.
How does the World see the U.S.
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