Canadian RMT Spring 2018 Canadian RMT Spring 2018 | Page 6
Margaret Wallis-Duffy, rmt
When Margaret started back in 1992 as a
single RMT practitioner, she had a much
bigger vision. Her goal was to create an in-
tegrative wellness clinic that would provide
holistic health (mental, physical, emotional,
spiritual and even financial) treatments
for people of all stages of their lives. Today,
Wallis for Wellness has blossomed into a
well-respected, integrative wellness clinic
with a compliment of registered massage
therapists, physiotherapist, naturopathic
doctors, registered dietician, pedorthist,
occupational therapist/mindfulness practi-
tioner, certified reflexologist, cranialsacral
therapist, osteopath, clinical aromather-
apist, reiki master, acupuncturist, life coach,
family/marriage councilor, midwives and a
Doctor’s Breastfeeding Clinic. Margaret is
currently in the process of expanding her
wellness centre with an addition of a Pain
Management Clinic. Her innovative thinking
and a passion to educate, empower and in-
spire people to live well led her to go beyond
the clinic a