Canadian RMT Fall 2018 Volume 5 | Page 20

INTRODUCING FASCIA BUDDY A client-friendly silicone cup for at-home care. Cupping therapy, also known as myofascial decompression, has been shown to relieve pain, inflammation, edema, muscle stiffness and soften hardened tissues. Plus, it’s easy to teach your clients to do at home! See great client results by making Fascia Buddy Silicone Cupping a part of your treatment plan. Try Fascia Buddy for yourself this September at the Canadian Massage Conference - find us at booth #11! Get Fascia Buddy for your clinic or learn more at Study Proves that Bone Enlarges with Injury Normalize bone structure to deliver breakthrough results for your toughest clients Researchers at the University of Cal- ifornia have discovered a mechanism within bone that causes its shape to change when injured 1 . This can affect osseous integrity, joint function and soft tissue tension, resulting in pain, in- stability, joint degeneration, organ dys function, and many of the neurological effects of TBI (concussion), due to cra- nial bone deformity. Based on this new evidence, as Regis- tered Massage Therapists, we need to ad- dress these actual changes in bone struc- ture, in order to fully restore function For example, if the femoral head is enlarged, the hip joint will become in- flamed and painful, leading to degener- ation and the possible need for surgery. Matrix Repatterning is a gentle, evi- dence-based assessment and treatment system, which can restore normal bone structure within a few minutes, allow- ing many hip, knee, shoulder and spinal surgeries to be avoided. Measureable Change in Bone Size These remarkable results are lasting and dramatic, and have been verified by independent radiologists, researchers, and clinicians. This treatment system will allow your clients to move on from their limiting conditions and enjoy life without pain. “Matrix Repatterning is a rational, logical jewel of a technique with repro- ducible results.” Fiona Rattray RMT, Linda Ludwig RMT, Authors of Clinical Massage Therapy “This procedure can be very helpful for… TBI and other head injuries, even as a first intervention. Observing such cases has led me to hope that one day Matrix Repatterning will be routinely applied in hospital emergency departments.” D r. Norman Doidge, MD, Best-selling Author: The Brain That Changes Itself & The Brain's Way of Healing Visit for information and free educational webinar 1-877-905-7684 1.Fantner GE, Hassenkam T, Kindt JH, Weaver JC, Birkedal H, Pechenik L, Cutroni JA, Cidade GA, Stucky GD, Morse DE, Hansma PK , sacrificial bonds and hidden length dissipate energy as mineralized fibrils separate during bone fracture, Nat Mater. 2005 Aug;4(8):612-6. Epub 2005 Jul 17. 20 Canadian rmt