Canadian Restorations GTA Inc Soda Blasting Vs Pressure Washing Vs Power Washing | Page 7

Extend the Life of a Paint Job With Power Washing • The Chemicals: The best chemicals to utilise in the washing of the exterior part of your home is the combination of water, bleach and tri-sodium phosphate. Although there are quite a lot of other chemicals out there but bear in mind that, these ones mentioned above will serve you well in the job. In addition, you might also be thinking, what's the effect of these chemicals on my lawns, flower and plants? You don't need to bother yourself about that fact because, these chemicals are organic and as such not harmful to your plants. • Dry Time: How long will it take your power washed house to dry off? The fact is, it depends on certain factors like humidity, rain and temperature. Therefore, the is no stipulated time for your home to dry. • Price: The price for a power washing exercise for your home is often stated by your painter alongside the painting work quotation. Therefore when next you get a quotation for your home painting job ensure that you check to see if power washing cost is included.