Canadian Restorations GTA Inc A to Z on Graffiti Removal | Page 10

Graffiti Removal for 4 Different Surfaces  Wooden Surfaces  Wooden surfaces are very hard to tackle when it comes to graffiti removal because sometimes, when the wood is too weathered, it will absorb the paint. In such a case, if you work extensively to remove the graffiti, you will end up damaging the surface of the wood. The better option in these cases is to paint over the wood.  Plastic Surfaces  Plastic chairs or tables which become victims of graffiti art always end up being one of the most difficult surfaces to remove graffiti from. A light solvent can damage it. Even if you apply mineral spirit on it, the plastic will get thick or cloudy. You can try using penetrating oil to remove graffiti but sometimes it works and sometimes it just does not. In this case, repainting the plastic surface is a better option.