bugged me it was my bromance . So , she looked at me and said : “ sweetheart , what are your dreams ?” To which I said : “ I have always dreamt of bodybuilding and competing at a show .” Without a second thought , she said : “ Go for it , chase your dream , I will support you no matter what .” With all this inspiration , I thought “ Yes ! why not ?” With all the love and support , I began to take bodybuilding seriously . Then in December , she came to me and said : “ you should really have a coach .” So , the search began . I asked around quite a few places and one name kept coming up which was Leroy Rollins . We began working together in December 2019 . With all the support and inspiration from Margie , my family , Leroy and the inspiration I drew from Brandon and Regan , my bodybuilding and competition journey began .
Juan : How did it feel being up on stage knowing you have overcome so much ? those moments , all the pain , suffering and sacrifice was worth every second of being on stage . Nothing mattered in that time on stage . The feeling of everything that I had
overcome to get on stage really didn ’ t hit me until I was in Margie ’ s arms and began to tear up . I said to her that no matter what happens from here on in , I ’ m living my dream . It might have taken some 30 years to get here , but I made it , and I ’ m not looking back . Everything I had gone through in my life was worth it , to be in this moment , to be living my dream . I thanked her from the bottom of my heart , and said this was not just me . This was us .
Sean : Being on stage for the first time was a surreal feeling . The energy and adrenaline I felt when the crowd cheered was unreal . Every bit of nervousness I had prior was gone . For the brief moment I was on stage , it filled me with a feeling I had never experienced before . I knew that I was hooked . The look on my coaches ’ face was priceless when I saw he was just as proud as I was . In
Juan : It sounds like you were able to live out a dream ! What are your goals for the future and are you planning to compete again ?
Sean : Looking forward , I definitely plan on competing again 100 percent . I love this sport and don ’ t want to stop . My goals are to chase after a pro card , which will take time . I want to bring more energy and passion to the stage . Definitely would love to bring life to my own brand , OLD MUSCLE BODYBUILDING .
Juan : What are the main 3 things you learned about yourself during your first show preparation ?
Sean : I learned that age truly has no limit . That the dedication and desire I put into this prep is what is important . That despite