CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE September October 2023 | Page 29



If you are reading this , you most likely have done , or are thinking of doing a physique competition . You get super excited about what new supplement plan you will follow , your new training programs , and even that new stringer you got to show off your biceps at the gym . But how excited do you get when it comes time to get some bloodwork done during your “ cruise ” phases ?
Bodybuilding is something we love so dearly and we are willing to push our body to the absolute maximum to be our absolute best for that day on stage . It is a fire that burns so deep within us that we are willing to skip family functions , sleep , comfort , and many other things in order to see our body do what 99 % of people can never come even close to doing with theirs .
In this pursuit , whether we use extracurricular technology or not , we tax our bodies heavily with food , training , supplements , and stress in order to be our very best . Something important that is often overlooked is the dreaded B word …
We all hear coaches preach about it , athletes preach about it and there ’ s been a big movement on social media in the past 10 years talking about the importance of blood work .
But how seriously are you taking this advice ?
How often are you getting bloodwork done ?
How much do you understand what it says ?
How much does your doctor understand how this pertains to you specifically as an athlete ?
How will this influence your current nutrition , training , and supplementation regimen ?
Oftentimes , people go to the doctor and ask them for bloodwork , especially if they use PEDs and even the doctor is confused . The doctor often judges them , gives them a moral lecture , and then is not sure what to even look for in the blood work form .
These are the most important things to look for in your bloodwork :
CBC- Getting a complete blood count will tell us the exact features and different parts of your blood and how they are doing . It tells us markers from how thick our blood is , to how many red blood cells are floating around , to any potential deficiencies or oversaturation of nutrients we may have in our blood that take us out of normal ranges and could pose a threat to our health . Some bodybuilders may suffer from slightly elevated hematocrit , hemoglobin , and red blood cells . This can lead to more oxygen being delivered to the working muscles , but too much of a good thing can also lead to thicker blood which would lead to the development of a blood clot which could have serious issues . With some specific dietary , training , and supplement protocols , this can easily be improved in those who are specifically affected by this .
BMP- A basic metabolic panel can be essential as it tells us markers such as potential mineral deficiencies and kidney markers . Most of the time , I do not see people with mineral deficiencies , especially if they are eating a well-balanced diet as most of you readers do . The one thing I do see being off sometimes is kidney function , specifically creatinine . Creatinine is a byproduct of the kidneys that can tell us when the kidneys are being heavily taxed . Oftentimes , there can be slightly elevated