CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE September October 2023 | Page 20



Who likes being cold ? I would bet pretty confidently , not very many of us do . Now I don ’ t mind being cold , but I certainly don ’ t like it or want to seek it out . Well , how about being super cold , and wet at the same time ? Sounds magnificently terrible doesn ’ t it ? And when I say cold , I mean the kind of cold that makes you feel like it ’ s dangerous . Your nervous system is freaking out , your senses screaming “ Get out of here , I could die ”. Yes , I know that ’ s pretty extreme , but as you ’ ll understand today for the purposes I ’ ll detail , it ’ s very beneficial .
So yes , I am one of those individuals who seek that out 6 days per week , and I recommend it to a certain number of my clientele . For those of you unfamiliar , I ’ m talking about extreme cold exposure . A purpose-based disciplined amount of time in an extremely cold environment produces a top-down benefit . From our neurochemistry , physiology , metabolism , and endocrine system , to our sleep quality . The benefits are so higher a number , and there are so many studies relating to all beneficial aspects , I could easily write 5000 words . So for this article , I will focus on just a few . But a few that are very important .
Extreme cold exposure means putting yourself into an extremely cold environment , without removing yourself for a consistent period of time . Now this can apply to your specific purpose for doing so . Ok friends , I say that because there ’ s a big spectrum of how long this kind of cold exposure can be applied . Today we will discuss the parameters of cold exposure relating to the performance of athletes , mind body soul connections . Enhancing your strength of discipline , mindset , building muscle , and producing body composition development .
Maybe some of you out there have tried doing this , and maybe some of you do it . If so , I wonder if you ’ re doing it correctly . I wonder most importantly , are you cold enough ? So let ’ s get right into it .
Since the beginning of time , human beings have been submerged in the cold , in one form and in one way or another . Tens of thousands of years struggling through ice ages our ancestors got through . Yes hygiene hundreds of thousands of years ago , even thousands of years ago probably wasn ’ t a high priority . But through all of that , what certainly was , the acquisition of food . Being cold meant challenging something to the most basic necessities , and you overcome it to survive . So remember this , overcoming challenges at our most basic and primal level is an incredible mechanism to upper regulate our abilities in chosen forms of discipline and dedication to building elite physiques . Fast forward to today . We don ’ t need to brave the cold to survive , yet , if we do , if we choose to brave the cold , we have chosen to face a magnificent obstacle . One that has been in our genes since the beginning of our time on this earth . This translates today , into manifesting a level of discipline structure and purpose-based formative action , in a way that no other thing that we can do compares . Yes because it ’ s actually that hard and detestable .
Don ’ t believe me ? Tomorrow morning , when you finish your fasted cardio , go get into an ice-cold shower . Yeah , that ’ s right when you ’ re all hot and sweaty and exhausted after cardio , go wash in the coldest water that your shower can produce . Simply see how you feel afterward for the rest of the day . Track and see if it makes you feel more accomplished , more resolved in your discipline , an increased self-esteem / inner pride , and a sense of calm from facing this challenge . I bet it ’ s more than even a good workout and having followed your nutrition solidly . Alas , friends , these things are not individual , all these go together , see where I ’ m going with this ? But it starts from facing this monumental , terrifying , uncomfortable , and so easily avoided challenge . But that ’ s the point ! You must choose to do it .