CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE September/October 2021 | Page 10


Having a genetic predisposition to building muscle and having an aesthetically pleasing structure definitely helps .
Having a knowledgeable and skilled coach helps . Putting in the work consistently both in and out of the gym helps .
But being a high performance bodybuilder is as much mental as it is physical so having a healthy mental approach is key . Consider the importance of attitude .
How many bodybuilders do you know attribute their placing , or lack thereof , to poor or biased judging ? I have news for you . Judges can only judge what ’ s in front of them on that day , in that moment . A high performance bodybuilder has a good attitude towards perceived ‘ failure ’, i . e ., not winning . This type of athlete will take the constructive feedback from the judges and use this information to make the necessary adjustments to their prep to improve upon their next competition .
In fact , the best bodybuilders understand and expect there will be obstacles along the way . They learn to embrace the challenge of getting better each day while understanding that failure is just another challenge they need to overcome by learning and growing from these experiences .
Giving up is not an option . No high performance athlete , regardless of the sport , would be where they are or have achieved what they did if they gave up .
Another important mental aspect for high performance bodybuilders is