CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE September/October 2020 | Page 47

And if things do get worse, more serious things can start to happen: • Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety • Cardiac distress such as high blood pressure • Hormonal disruptions such menstrual cycle cessation • Skin problems such as hives • Thinning hair or hair loss • Digestion difficulties such as new food intolerances • Musculoskeletal injury Do not get me wrong - I am all for being resilient and perseverant and will always encourage you to push to your limits. But there comes a point, which is different for everyone mind you, that the suffering and sacrifice become too much. No title or trophy is worth harming yourself to that point! • Your close friends and family support you • You have the time to get all of your workouts & food prep in • You have the mental energy and constitution to dedicate to the process • You are healthy enough to start an intense training & diet regimen Now, after reading this, if you realize it may not be your time yet, do not worry - the shows will always be there for when you are ready. As well, if you are currently preparing for a show, and you are experiencing some of the symptoms I’ve listed above and you have come to realize, this may not be your time, do not worry – there will other shows. Above everything else - health, family, and finances must always come first – before any contest prep. Trust me – if you wait until you are ready, I promise that you will enjoy the process so much more, and the result will be so much better! If you are destined So I want to put things in perspective for you right now. For you to consider starting a contest prep, I implore you to make sure that as much of your life outside the gym is stable, balanced, and secure. Please make certain that: • You can financially afford to compete to win your next show or become an IFBB Pro, it should not matter when that happens. All that matters is that you know it will happen when the time is right for you! Darren 47