CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE September/October 2020 | Page 46

MAKE SURE IT IS THE RIGHT TIME FOR YOU TO COMPETE DARREN MEHLING BA CSCS PRESIDENT FREAK FITNESS ONLINE There is no denying that preparing for a bodybuilding contest, no matter what division you compete in, is tough. But it is the challenges that you will overcome along the way to the stage that makes the experience so rewarding. It is the personal growth and development that makes the journey so worth it! If you have not prepared for a show yet, anyone who has will tell you that stress is part of the contest prep process. Intense training, caloric restriction, and competition excitement in appropriate levels are necessary for you to progress and ultimately step on stage looking your best. In the real world though, life can present us with additional stress. Unless you live on an isolated island and have unlimited resources to support yourself, there is a good chance you may have: • A high stress job or business • Intense class and homework schedule • Conflict at home with your spouse, partner, and/or children, • Poor quality or not enough sleep • Financial trouble or uncertainty All these challenges can add to the level of stress you have to deal with while in contest preparation. Do not get me wrong, most of us have to deal with some or all of these things. And if you have the time, money, and resources to manage it all then you will be great and you will continue to thrive! But when it all starts to become too much, your body can start to send you subtle signs that you may have to slow down. When you are in contest prep, these signs usually start as chronic irritability, loss of appetite, decrease in energy, inability to recover from your workouts, and progressive insomnia. If you do not take corrective actions to reduce these symptoms, your body can take more active measures to protect itself. Eventually, your weight loss or progress can stall, or even worse, you can begin to GAIN weight! At this point, many mistake this weight gain as an indication to increase cardio or cut more calories, but I hope you can see how this is wrong and would make things even worse. 46