CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE September/October 2020 | Page 21

Impossible is often the easy route because we don’t even have to try. And by the same token the work “possible” gives us a more positive feeling; it’s a sense of hope. How do we shift from the “impossible” to the “possible”? Rather than focusing on the “I can’t”, flip it to ask yourself “how can I?” Sometimes doubts creep in, aka the “I can’ts”. When that happens, slam that voice with a fact. Have you ever achieved something despite non ideal circumstances? In other words, do things have to be perfect for you to do well at a competition? It’s about adapting to the circumstances. Remind yourself that you have overcome obstacles in the past and you can do it again. show that does happen. You can also choose a different path, which could be working to put on more muscle mass and do a show in 2021, try a different sport, or even properly recuperate from current injuries. Bottom line: you have a choice. Avoid getting ‘stuck’ and staying there. Do something! Look at the word, “impossible”. Do you see the 2 words within that word: “im possible”? Thank you Audrey Hepburn for pointing that out. I (a)m possible. I will make something possible. I will take action. The power of the word “impossible” can’t be ignored. It’s negative. It gives the result of failure before we even take that initial step. Lesley If dealing with COVID-19 becomes overwhelming, regardless if you are/ were in prep for a show, please contact me at (416) 805-6155 or email me at [email protected] so I can help you make empowering choices. 21