Show Sneak Peak!
September 22, 2018 | GNC/Allmax
Iron Ore Classic | Prince George, BC
October 6, 2018 | GNC/Allmax KW
Oktoberfest Natural Classic |
Kitchener, ON
The 4th Annual Iron Ore Classic sponsors The #KWOSHOW takes place in the heart of
and promoters are excited to announce Oktoberfest, and has for over 8 years. This Natural
that they will be awarding two $2,000 event has brought together family, friends, and
sponsorships as well as one $500 early bird #FITFAM to compete at a show created by an athlete,
entry sponsorship. In addition to these for the athletes. Promoted by former figure athlete,
great prizes, there will be free shuttle Melissa Shadd, the focus has always been the athletes
service to the event from the host hotel and those who come to support them.
and a selfie contest valued at over $400. From stacked gift bags to a bar during the awards
This competition is open to all competitors show, the #KWOSHOW encompasses the Oktoberfest
in Canada and the top 5 will qualify for festival right into the event. This is not one you want
2018 Canadian National Pro Qualifier in to miss!
Toronto as well as 2019 IFBB Pro