When your next You can plan ahead on how still taking check-in photos
competition is set for the you will deal with them to and measurements to
following year, don’t let ensure you’re still on track document and ensure that
yourself feel like it’s far with your competitive goals. your progress is headed in
away. When we see a date In mentioning all of the the direction you and the
that is so far in the future, it changes that are to be made judges are wanting!
is easy to lose sight of the during your off season, For those that are
days and weeks and before please make sure that you competing in the upcoming
you know it, your are getting proper feedback open/natural regional
competition prep is from the judges – not events and/or the Canadian
underway and you haven’t feedback from your best National Pro Qualifier later
properly focused on friend, girl/boyfriend, coach, this month, I am sending you
building an improved or mother! What do the the best of luck in the
physique during the off- people critiquing and remaining weeks of your
season. If you’re not judging your physique need preps! Keep pushing hard
competing until the to see in the following and stay focused!!
summer of 2019 (for competition to move you example), start working forward in your competitive backwards from the show bodybuilding career? date and plan out your Finally, keep up with your workouts and nutrition check-ins! Whether you’re plan to accomplish your working with a coach during physique goals. It is also your off season or on your important to look ahead to own, keep yourself held see if there are any accountable for your important events or progress week to week by
occasions that occur during