WHERE THE MIND GOES, THE BODY WILL FOLLOW Where the mind goes, the body will follow... and I have been all over the place this month. One part of working with Lesley Timbol R.P., Mental Game Coach, is doing workbooks which dissect a bit of the psychology behind the focus in sports achievement. So, as I took on this first workbook, I got stuck in having to dissect my expectations and transform them into process goals. I sat down time and time again to only set it aside and return to it later. Repeat. Repeat. I had my husband try to help me. He’s a psych RN, so surely he can help me tap into this. I felt like I was doing a math problem that I just wasn’t getting. I had a bit of a childish temper tantrum, let the book drop to the floor, and started crying. All he said was, “this is good, you need to look at this stuff” and I quickly moved onto discussing another project that I have on the go. YOU WILL ARRIVE AT THE OUTCOME IF YOU FOCUS ON THE PROCESS