were the most important part
of seeing results, and that
moving weights was what
made bodybuilders look the
way they were. John’s articles
and videos showed me that it
was quite the opposite. That
the body could only utilize so
many nutrients at a time, that
the quality of your food
matters, and that contracting
muscles under heavy loads is
what stimulates growth.
Throughout many years, I have
admired and looked up to John
as he is known as a great
family man, business man,
bodybuilding coach,
bodybuilder, and human
being. I had the privilege of
working with John in the past
while writing magazine articles.
I had the privilege of learning
from him and world-renowned
coach James Seals Sr. as I
trained in Ohio for a few days.
These two gentlemen were
kind enough to allow me to
join them in their intense
training sessions at American
Barbell - I could not be more
grateful. They even asked me
what body parts I wanted to
train and rearranged their
whole training schedule
around what I needed to work
on. It was one of the best
experiences of my life.