Alas , this drives home even more of my point , the monumental and unnecessary exercise in futility , of gaining an exceptional amount of body fat in the off-season or between shows .
This futile “ reasoning ”. A bumbling formula so deeply flawed , so desperately unhealthy , toxic and what ’ s most disturbing ? It is so easily avoided , it makes me even more passionate about getting this information out there , to you all , to help in any way I can . Also “ reasoning ”, I am sorry about , Because this reasoning above it ’ s just so damn common . This Reasoning is no effective formula , this bumbling of I ’ ll planned irresponsible treatment of our body comes from , FUD . Fear , uncertainty and doubt . Finally with justification . Friends ’ preparedness is key with all things in life . When planning the development of our physiques to get to higher levels of achievement , it is paramount . For if we do not , and we just looked down at our feet bumbling forward , the rest is just pasta ( or ) fill in the blanks thrown at the wall , and seeing what sticks .
The myriad of issues mind body and health problems , body dysmorphic disorder ’ s , physical , physiological mental stress . The stressors that arise from this kind of yo-yo off season to prep diet scenario , is so terribly destructive to the female and male athlete . Those of you ladies out there who have experienced this understand vehemently what I address here above . To you ladies that have not yet , well , I only touched on a few . There so many that I could write a whole article just , about the detriment of the yo yo approach .
If you do this toxic yo-yo dance friends , you do not put your body in an accelerated place of effective tissue building , resulting in progression and the preservation of that tissue , creating an evolving physique to get better and better each show . To succeed at your goal of being more balanced , leaner , more symmetrical , and bigger . An overall better package when you get on stage next . Simply you lose the majority of the muscle that you ’ ve gained while your body is going through the stressful time , trying to get off all the excess unnecessary body fat and fluid , you put on eating un discipline irresponsibly , and not paying attention to your health components . Most of the year you feel like crap and don ’ t like what you see in the mirror , you cover up and stay the majority of the year in that existence until a few brief weeks when you finally like the package because you ’ re finally leaving enough to see your abs . So , consider this . It ’ s Like receiving a black eye from a twisted partner whom is saying they love you . I use the analogy above very seriously . To outline why we don ’ t treat our bodies like we ’ re in an abusive relationship . No I ’ m not the diet police , I ’ m saying that you don ’ t eat takeout , fast food junk food just calories based on a certain number daily when you ’ re trying to make improvements . Yes have cheat meals awesome effective and it ’ s super important part of this whole process . Just don ’ t treat your body disrespectfully . You don ’ t fill it with junk for several months out of the year and expect to have awesome workouts amazing energy , like what you see in the mirror and have a steady solid confident self-loving mindset . Just isn ’ t possible . Yet if you Treat your body with the kind of discipline necessary , showing yourself true self love , through consistent formative actions , creating the desired result , distinctly creating the result that you have set up to achieve . You will be very happy with the package you bring . You will feel good in your skin all year . You will have amazing , energy , consistent , workouts , better than you ever have steadily , and your recovery will be maximized . Alas if you eat strategically clean high calories , cycled carbohydrates , cycle calories , programmed nutrition and cardio and training to Potentate your insulin sensitivity , your carbohydrate tolerance , your metabolic resources will be able to switch between fuels rapidly readily and effectively . ( Check out my article , “ Metabolic Resetting ” for