CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE November December 2022 | Page 16



How good does it feel to lose ? Especially when it is something you work so hard for in the pan of months .
I am sure 100 % of you out there have the same answer .
If you are reading this article , chances are , that you are somebody who has competed in a fitness competition or perhaps thinking about it . We all go into a show wanting to win whether it is a realistic expectation or not . With the amount of mental , financial , and physical effort it takes to do a show , I do not expect less from anybody who truly cares . Months of dieting , endless cardio , workouts on low fuel etc . are such a big investment into looking amazing for your show . The last thing you want , is to do all the hard work and lose because you made a mistake that could have easily been fixed . You do not want to make any of these mistakes if your goal is to look your absolute best at your next show . These are the top 7 mistakes that I see even experienced competitors make when they are getting ready for a show .
Under posing - This one is mainly common to newer competitors although , even some seasoned competitors neglect posing and try to solely rely on their muscular development . You can have an amazing physique that is in proper condition , but if you do not how to show it to accommodate your strengths and hide your flaws , you will always be beat by someone who can do this better . I have seen many amazing physiques lose just because they cannot hold their poses long enough to show the judges how good their physique truly is . Being able to pose is an art that requires mastering . I often hear first time competitors a few weeks out say “ I need to start learning to pose .” IF THIS IS YOU , YOU SHOULD BE SCARED .
For a first-time competitor , posing should start the moment they decide that they want to do a show . It can be very easy to get discouraged with posing as it can be extremely challenging and oftentimes , we focus on our flaws in the mirror . But fight past this and keep practicing . Start small . First , learn how to hit the poses properly . Once you can nail the poses well for 5-10 seconds , work on your transitions between the poses so that everything flows smoothly for your presentation . This may only take 3-5 minutes a day . But I promise you that this will make a massive difference if done for months . Once you nail the poses and the transitions , the focus will be to increase the amount of time you can hold them in a progressive manner .
Neglecting training performance and proper programming - Many people getting ready for a show focus on diet , supplements , and cardio the most . To many of them , training takes a spot on the back burner in regards to programming . They mindless go into the gym and lift things . They have no plan or structure . They just go in and lift weights , or as many like to call it “ get a pump ” and leave . This works … for only a few individuals that either know their body super well through years and years of experience or the genetically gifted . Most people doing this will not maximize their best look on stage . I find it crucial to have a log book and monitor progress in the gym through time . The log book along with viewing pictures will show you things like how much volume is too much or too little , what exercises perhaps are stalling or progressing , what exercises lead to nagging pains and injuries , and when is the proper time for a deload or a devolume phase . No matter how good or experienced you may feel you are , a log book will only make you better and will be a great tool to reference in the future to see what works well for you and what does not .