ROMOTER ROFILE t ID-19) 28 14 UTRITION 49 CONTENTS Parallels NEXT LEVEL MUSCLE BUILDING 42 the making of 39 MINDSET IS EVERYTHING! 37 34 WELCOME to the most unprecedented year bodybuilding has probably seen. By this time of year we would have held at least 14 contests, as of publication there has been 1. This is certainly not the start to the season we had anticipated. Everyone behind the scenes has been working to rework the schedules and find the venues to maintain a competitive season for the competitors. This issue as with all our issues is packed with relative and timely information for our supporters. We have inspiration from a front line worker, nutritional information from a new writer for the CPA Newsletter, training tips from a well respected coach, awareness information from a well respected writer and competitor and information on our newest IFBB Professional League judges. We have included in this issue an introduction to some of promoters who have provided a bit of insight into their experience in this industry. This will be an ongoing segment until we cover each of the promoters across the CPA. We have the most current schedule available at time of publication but please keep in mind that these could change depending on the regulations of each province and health authorities. We are encouraged by the resilience and creativity of our competitors, coaches, promoters and supporters. We will hopefully be out of this lockdown soon and our lives will return a certain normalcy, until then, stay healthy, stay safe. John CPA Schedule...........................7 Posing Seminars & Clinics.......9 CPA Ambassador.....................12 CPA PRO Shop.........................27 Video Review...........................44 Qualifications Update.............52 Alberta Winter Naturals..........54 Arnold Sports Festival.............56 5