improve the anorexia and bulimia . I still dealt with the depression and constant disappointment with not being happy with my body . I kept searching for that perfect body I always dreamed of and was never happy because I did not have it . I was so obsessed with this goal , that not being there really got me down . At first even watching videos of other bodybuilders would make me feel really sad as I would think : “ I will never get there .”
Slowly , I started listening to motivational speeches and tapes and started learning the power of the mind . I was still obsessed with my goal , but started saying “ it is possible and I will get there ” as opposed to constantly thinking this would be impossible . Through time , I
realized that being unhappy on a daily basis about my physique and thinking I would be happy only when I obtained that “ perfect body ” was a horrible way to live . I started embracing the journey . Although it is still something I need to work on daily , I work hard on viewing every day as an opportunity to improve . Every workout is an opportunity to work hard and improve on myself . When I started to fall in love with the journey and not so much the end product , I really started enjoying my daily life a lot better .
I am the type of person that still deals with anxiety . As much as I love bodybuilding with all my heart , I give this 100 % and I do get anxious many times over meal times , workouts , progression and being the absolute best I can be to develop a pro level physique . It is a daily struggle but I have many strategies that have helped me mitigate these feelings and control them .
Bodybuilding changed my life and helped me get through many mental health issues . I was extremely unhappy at one point and this sport / lifestyle has helped me learn that I have immense power within me and that I can achieve anything I set my mind to . I still have not reached the goal I set out at 17 years old to be a pro bodybuilder , but it brings me immense joy to know that every single moment of every day I am striving towards this goal and I am doing the tasks that I feel are necessary to bring me closer to this . I know many of you out there have similar goals and similar stories . Do I think a pro card or even a pro physique will bring happiness ? No . Do I think happiness can come from embracing the journey to a pro card and inspiring others to see that hard work can make your dreams come true ? Yes .
I have been bodybuilding for 12 years and competing for 7 . In this time , I have had the privilege of meeting hundreds of past , present and future competitors . I have found that many of them have dealt with some sort of mental health issue that has led them to bodybuilding ( When I say bodybuilding , I mean all divisions , men and women ). Many people out there feel like bodybuilding has helped them get through really tough times relating to their mental health issues . The way that bodybuilding shows you how you can transform your body and mind helps many people find a passion for something they can work on daily .
Now , many people also feel that bodybuilding has contributed to them developing issues like eating disorders and depression . I can ’ t say that this has never happened , but I think that a lot of these individuals already had the seed for these issues prior . Bodybuilding may have sped them up or brought them to light more , but certain tendencies are often times present before people take up competing . I will agree that after a show or even deep into an offseason , it is very common to have a damaged relationship with food . It can be common to become obsessive about getting your workouts in , getting your meals on time , getting your supplements on time , and obsessing about the way you look . It is common to feel at times down about how you look and not being at the point where you want to be . While many would consider this to be a negative thing , I think it comes down to perspective . I can openly say being a competitive bodybuilder has had me deal with those issues . And I know MANY individuals who are like this . At the same time , I am grateful for these traits as they have helped me reach goals in bodybuilding and in life that I would not be able to achieve if I was not disciplined and had an intense drive . I feel like these traits enrich my life and make me happy , and I am sure many other competitors can agree with this . Bodybuilding has taught me and many other people to be comfortable being uncomfortable , and this is a trait in life that can lead to many great things .
Bodybuilding is a beautiful way of life and it involves a high amount of discipline year-round , at least if you want to be good at it . It has helped many people including myself to overcome mental health issues and other challenges that nothing else had helped with . It is a lifestyle that encourages many healthy practices , mentally and physically . Keep focused on inspiring others and helping them overcome the challenges they may face . Sometimes we are not aware of the mental health issues that those around us may be going through . It is crucial to be a positive person and encourage those around us to be the best version of themselves . You may be inspiring someone to utilize fitness as a way to deal with and overcome their mental health issues !