associated with the inhibition of arterial calcification and arterial stiffening , which means that increased vitamin K2 intake could be a means of lowering calcium-associated health risks . However , since 1950 , the consumption of vitamin K has decreased gradually , and the rate of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis has steadily increased . Even a well-balanced diet might not provide vitamin K in amounts sufficient for satisfying the body ’ s needs . Further , due to modern manufacturing processes , the vitamin K content , particularly the vitamin K2 content of the food supply today has significantly dropped , making vitamin K2 supplements a more reliable way to secure adequate intake . By striking the right balance in intake of calcium and K2 , it may be possible to fight osteoporosis and simultaneously prevent the calcification and stiffening of the arteries . A new clinical study with vitamin K2 supplementation showed an improvement in arterial elasticity and regression in age-related arterial stiffening ( data pending publication ). Most important through its activation of K – dependent proteins , Vitamin K2 can optimize calcium use in the body , preventing any potential negative health impacts associated with increased calcium intake .
Now please remember , calcium is very important especially for older adults children and postmenopausal women , but we need to render effective calcium intake and for certain not over consume dairy , we really avoid that crap all together in this nutritionist ’ s opinion . ( unless it ’ s rare and a fun cheat meal ). We need to have the right amount of Vitamin K daily , this promotes arterial flexibility by preventing accumulation of arterial calcium , and supplementation with it could correct calcium amounts in the body that are out of balance . Thus , calcium in tandem with vitamin K2 may well be the solution for bringing necessary bone benefits while circumventing an increased risk for
I know I touched on Omega fats in pretty much every article , because they are foundation of our biological chemical and cellular health . So I will close with a little more of their fundamental place in our life and lifestyle , we don ’ t synthesize proteins effectively without them , our lipid layer cell membranes are mainly comprised of Omega-3 ’ s , without these essential fats there is not enough allowance for proper fluidity . This comes down to proteins , vitamins , minerals and yes of course the ancillaries ( hormones etc .) that are used for our physiques getting to the place they need to be inside the cells nucleus . Responsible appropriate source essential fats are our foundation .
So , for the sake of critical involvement in every aspect of our health life and lifestyle , for your protection and maintenance of cardiopulmonary function , the motor which powers our carbon-based proteins , feeding
biological form please take all that you ’ ve read here today into consideration , we are responsible for our health , it is no one else ’ s , nor should we expect anyone to keep track and up-to-date and in front of any of these factors for us . Get your BP test kit , check twice daily ( at rest chill relax and test 3 times over 10 min , record the average ). Order your Omega-3 index test , make sure you are above 6 preferably 7.5-8 ., ask your doctor to order your APO1A to APOB ratio test . Most importantly , do not be afraid , we put so much time and effort into building our bodies and conditioning our lives around our passion , it is a no brainer to be equally critically involved with our heart health as with our physical condition .
Let ’ s all live long , healthy , strong and fulfilling lives . WITH ALL MY HEART , I implore you to pay the necessary attention to the HEART OF THE MATTER , until next time everyone stay safe , strong , healthy , focused , seeking and always reaching for a higher standard every day AF .
As a company we have over 30 years combined experience . From organic biochemistry , working with the constructs of our human cellular biology , the basic functions of life , to all forms of cell functions and how this effects our brains and bodies to promote the most powerful results in health and performance to kinesiology , the science of movement and biomechanics and form function and the logistics of exercise and its effects on the human body . Coupled with exercise physiology , involving specific changes in muscular , cardiovascular and neurohormonal systems and allows us to increase functional capacity in strength and performance within all applications of endurance training and strength training . Advantage Fitness Ltd is comprised of athletes , mentors , guides , teachers and caregivers . We have chosen to devote our lives to the betterment of all humans that we work with , to encourage growth development and success in all areas our clients would like to achieve . We are here to lead our clients by being a living example and resource to achieving their best . 21