nope just taking a drug was supposed to be the solution to it all . We will have more on this a bit later in this article , regarding a meta-study done over the last 20 years on statins . So for the omega 3 study , as you might imagine there was a significant amount of time put into the omega 3 study , this wasn ’ t a one-off , it focussed specifically on omega-3 , omega-3 ratio food-based inclusion and supplementation for several years .
In a double blind testing analysis environment , with subjects consuming our typical western diet , food pyramid esq . other test subjects were supplementing fish oil by tbsp . to drinking up to a half a cup of salmon oil daily . While a second portion of the omega-3 group we ’ re supplementing with 4g / day of fish capsules and no there were no cases of severe or even moderate blood thinning in either group . Another group of subjects were eating all the omega rich foods both plant and animal based . The findings were monumental ; the Omega-3 ( liquid oil rich group ) had the lowest atherogenic cholesterol score while maintaining the most stable blood pressure as well as significantly higher HDL levels , showing an Omega-3 ratio being over 7 . The individuals eating Omega-3 rich diets did not get their Omega-3 ratio above 5.56 , which was the highest recorded within this group . The group supplementing with the fish oil capsules showed little to no increase in significant Omega-3 ratio . Last but not least was the regular western diet subjects who showed a prevalence of insulin resistance and triglyceride rich VLDL and RLP cholesterol ( more on this to come ) and their Omega-3 ratios only being under 4 . This study emboldens and reinforces the fact that we need to supplement with Omega-3 , especially with the DHA and EPA synthesized from Omega-3 . Why ? Because our body does a decent job of extracting DHA and EPA from Omega-3 supplements like flax oil for instance , but we do not pull near enough of that conversion of the EPA and DHA , to make a significant impact . We specifically have a need for fish oil ’ s with available DHA ’ s and EPA ’ s . I mean grams of this stuff not a few hundred milligrams , but several thousand mg , closer to 3-4g / day minimum in liquid form ! Great info right ? So how do we know what our Omega-3 ratio is ? Great news , we can do it ourselves !
I strongly suggest everyone purchase their own personal Omega-3 index test online . You can now buy them online . Mind blowing right ? It ’ s amazing stuff but yet foreign and unheard of for most , please remember this simple test is a predictor or of events to come , a window into what could be if you will .
Next up , another uncommon yet deeply important and so specifically accurate measure of our risk factors should be highlighted . No , you can ’ t get this one
online ; yes it ’ s a doctor ’ s visit kind of test , so it should be brought up on your next trip to the doctor . What we want to look at is the culprit that clogs up our arteries , as I mentioned above , cholesterol testing is the most common platform . The common cholesterol test the “ Friedewald Equation ” was developed in 1972 . HDL / LDL Ratio says that if your LDL is high then you ’ re at great risk for cardiac issues . However this broad spectrum test is just not specific enough , it ’ s somewhat misleading and it is very convoluted . I know , I know , it fly ’ s in the face of traditional medicine you ’ re thinking of , but just wait , this will help expand your thinking ! For example , you can have somebody that is eating a responsible EFA rich ketogenic diet for something like Crohn ’ s or IBS ( a medical condition largely brought on and a symptom of a highly Insulin potent diet , or a person suffering from insulin resistance ). This can be easily solved by avoiding an inflammatory , insulin potent diet , and rich in processed sugar and food products . Individuals with these medical conditions can choose to become metabolically healthy by bringing carbs down while eating good fats , complete
proteins and fibre . By adding regular exercise to the diet means they are now burning fat , mainly their stored “ fats ” as fuel . So now when they get a basic Friedewald , cholesterol test , their cholesterol test comes back and the LDL cholesterol results are very high . Coincidentally , if ever a broad-spectrum cholesterol test is done after doing fasted cardio , a fasted HIIT session within a 4-6 hour window , this can also throw the LDL cholesterol numbers way up . This would of course send the doctor directly to their prescription pad for a STATIN . As that ’ s the conclusion drawn from information they are given , by the Friedewald testing