it ’ s off and caught early .
What can we identify as the main contributors to high BP and heart health risk ? ( Not including genetic issues that we may have within our family history ). Even so , we can overcome our generic predisposed issues if we are well enough informed and don ’ t just let “ things slide ”. In my opinion , it all comes down to our lifestyle choices .
We know that smoking , drinking , stress and eating junk food is bad , well that ’ s pretty basic . PED ’ S are a very important part of this equation , as for those who choose to use them , you need to understand that on their own without contingent strategies laid in place , they can pose a high risk to negatively influencing a healthy BP . Now ask yourself , does my lifestyle , habits and behaviour contribute to the daily consideration of these main risk factors ? We have so much availability to help , treatments , methods and counsel to avoid these risks and if you are at risk , again take the proper steps to correct it .
Yes , HIGH BP leads to heart failure , it is unfortunately very common in those diagnosed with chronic high blood pressure , so focussing on high blood pressure and how this leads to the myriad of heart related issues that I mentioned above , is very necessary . I must ask again , what ’ s giving us high blood pressure , imbalances in cholesterol and calcification of our arteries , atherosclerosis ? Simply put , this is all directly related to what we are we putting into our body nutritionally , what we are expending from our bodies to help energetically protect our hearts , conversely not doing that is constricting blood flow , hardening the arteries and influencing the risk factors of all aforementioned . All of these things in my opinion , and experience with many clients over a career spanning almost 2 decades , the main factor , truly is diet and exercise . It all starts with diet THE most critical thing in our life . So you may be asking yourself , what the heck are we eating , and how what we eat , supplement with and do athletically is capable in helping produce strong hearty hearts with incredible longevity . Again on the surface “ diet and exercise ” simple , yet too ambiguous . Well I could write about contributing factors for pages , so reach out to me to do some digging . Test your BP and become informed on what you are personally doing to influence healthy or unhealthy BP .
It is an effective marker to be able to recognize what risk factors you ’ re at , this is key and it is equal to the importance of BP . It ’ s very much connected to a healthy level of BP , thus it comes before , way before , cholesterol and triglycerides . A low omega 3 ratio means we are at risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis and typically means that we are severely insulin resistant . Yet again , I lovingly write these three direly important words , ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS . That key word “ essential ” before fatty acids is not there as a gimmick or advertisement , it means necessary to the creations , sustainability and quality of our biology as well as our neurological , biochemical and physiological being . It ’ s so important that it should be first created for , however it is largely missed and unfortunately too often neglected . Ultimately what is happening is that the medical community is largely ignoring this and just shelving it as a “ nutrient ” without much depth or recognition . It makes me think of those men , 150 years ago on the ships sailing around the world , imagine if they were told that Vitamin C was just a ‘ nutrient ’ but that their teeth and hair would fall out in a week without it .
Currently in our western diet and culture omega-3 index is around 4 %, we need to be closer to 8 %, so we are falling short by 50 %, this is incredibly common . Unfortunately , doing things like eating omega eggs , grass fed animals and deep sea caught proteins doesn ’ t raise those levels high enough . Far too often we are misled by labelling and we are not putting the right forms of raw un-denatured , non-oxidized chemically sound omega-3 DHA and EPA into our diets . The only way to do this with food is if every serving of protein that we eat was only from deep sources , like salmon , krill , herring or mackerel , this would still put us only around 6.5 %. How do we know this ? Studies conducted by Dr . Bill Harris PhD and associates in the early 90s . The research and studies were being conducted simultaneously as the release of statins on the prescription market had become the mainstream norm , nothing about changing our fats to carb ratios ,
Now that we have some basic understanding of BP , let ’ s peel back some DEEPER layers and get into a couple things , rarely discussed that deserve serious attention . Omega 3 ’ s , from essential fats , found in their raw undenatured state , more specifically the omega 3 ratio in our bodies . Focusing here on , The Omega 3 Index Test . The omega-3 index test is a predictor of events .