WHERE YOU ARE VS. WHERE YOU WANT TO BE BY MELISSA MELNYCHUK I feel we all know in our hearts, that we are on a journey and that our lives are forever flowing in new directions. Some are welcome, some are not. Some are expected and some most definitely are not. However, when it comes to setting and achieving goals, we tend to lose this understanding. Many times we find ourselves making excuses as to why we did not achieve our goals. We place blame on others, situations, the time it takes to achieve them, or just life in general. When we want something really badly we want it now. We forget that there is a process to get to where we want to be. In this article I am going to challenge you to look at your surroundings and how that may be impacting where you are, versus where you want to be. Can you make positive changes in those areas in order to accelerate your success? Yes, life can get in the way, but what I want you to assess is, are you allowing your life to get in your OWN way?