The weight you're
looking to lose isn’t
always on your body,.
Written by: Melissa Melnychuk
Editor CPA Magazine
It may be in your
Many times we think,
“If only I was in better shape, I
would be able to do more!”
“If I was just 10lbs less, I would be
“I would have reached my goals
by now if my partner didn’t hate
how much I go to the gym!”
Although if you did make
improvements in any of these
areas it will help your health, and
your physical appearance, what it
will not do is have the mental
impact that most people think it
The truth is, that when you struggle
with weight and wanting to get rid
of it, there is usually a deeper issue
that is resulting in the struggle. I
have a few issues with the above
statements and in this article I will
explain those issues, the effect I feel
as a life coach/trainer that they
have on my clients' results.
Negative Vibes Do
Nothing for you
We all have vibrations running
through us. You know when you
encounter someone and after a
conversation with them you are
exhausted or even depressed?