H E A D J U D G E C O R N E R By looking at previous regional winners or Pro Qualifier winners and setting their look as your goal my not serve you the best. Look at the previous Olympia champion in your category and set that as your goal. Bring in your physique to resemble theirs. As a judge, I can assure you that the physique which most closely resembles the Olympia champion will be the winner. I have also heard athletes setting the goal of “I am going to be the best version of me”. I am not sure what this means. In most cases that means that the athlete is going to bring in a more conditioned physique. This is not the answer in a lot of cases. I have seen athletes come in depleted to a show and not win the class. At the next show they come in even harder but even more depleted. Make sure you that you and your coach have a vision of the physique that you will be bringing in. With female athletes it is important not to take your physique to extremes. Let me explain that. I will conduct a video critique for an athlete and advise the athlete that they have to be more conditioned and harder. The next show I will see that athlete very hard and dry past the point where it is beneficial to the athlete. They past their mark and have gone too far in the other direction. That’s when the athlete becomes confused. It is very important that you and your coach want to envision the physique you want to bring to the stage. The hardest leanest physique does not always win the class. There are many other factors. Make sure that you and your coach have a vision where you want to take your physique and that this vision is in line with the Olympia champions. Rudy Jambrosic Head Judge Canadian Physique Alliance IFBB Pro Judge Issue 27 | 234 C A N A D I A N P H Y S I Q U E A L L I A N C E