H E A D J U D G E C O R N E R Set your target on the right mark by Rudy Jambrosic, Head Judge CPA The first season of the Canadian Physique Alliance in 2018 was a great success. We set a record in number of IFBB Pro Cards, that were awarded throughout the year. We saw some outstanding athletes cross the stage and the energy at the shows was tremendous. Thank you to the promoters who are truly raising the bar of the CPA shows. Now that the season is complete and we are embarking on the 2019 season I have heard a lot of athletes setting their goals for the 2019 season. Setting goals is very important because it gives you direction and focus. It is more important to set the proper goals or set goals that are in line with the direction that you want to go. Let me explain this a bit further. I have heard girls set the goal of beating a certain girl that is in their height class. This goal may not be the best. If the athlete that you are chasing had a harder physique in bikini that may not be the best path to follow. You have to keep your sights on the Olympia champions and bring in a look that most closely represents their look. "keep your sights on the Olympia champions, not previous regional winners"