development , it actually turns into a form of procrastination , and as a result , they miss out on valuable opportunities .
Who is most likely to suffer from Imposter Syndrome : Anyone ! I . S . is very common amongst high achieving individuals .
What are some strategies to address Imposter Syndrome ? - understand to take mistakes in stride and to view making mistakes as part of the learning process - avoid waiting for the ‘ perfect time ’ to start a project as there is no ‘ perfect time ’ - manage expectations and be realistic with these - learn to replace external validation with internal validation by learning to say to yourself that you are competent and skilled but acknowledging that you are a work in progress - master taking constructive criticism seriously , not personally - recognize that any type of growth takes time even for the most confident people - rather than beat yourself up when you don ’ t immediately reach your goal , identify specific changeable behaviours that you can work on and improve upon over time - appreciate there ’ s no shame in asking for help and view it as a strength versus a weakness - mentoring or volunteering can be a great way to share your knowledge to benefit others and helps you heal from your fraudulent feelings - acknowledge your expertise & accomplishments , which will help remind yourself that you earned your place in your academic and / or professional environment - focus on your achievements ( e . g . list your successes and allow yourself to resonate in them ) rather than compare yourself with others - talk it out with a mentor , trusted friend or therapist , as getting an outside perspective can help ground you in reality
If you would like help implementing these strategies to address Imposter Syndrome , please text me at ( 416 ) 805-6155 or email me at lesley @ timbol . ca so that we can harness these insecurities , show self-compassion and embrace your success !
@ lesleyt _ mental _ iron LesleyTimbol
@ lesleytimbol