Welcome to the 2nd issue of the CPA Newsletter in 2023 . The newsletter is composed of 70 + pages of content regarding articles , inspiriration , athlete resources and contest coverage .
Now , you may have noticed a big difference between this one and the last . If you ’ re a consistent reader of these newsletters , there ’ s a good chance that you knew the previous talented editor , John Douglas . John corrected , edited and published countless content-rich newsletters over the span of many years . His work will always be remembered and cherished by the family and community of the CPA . I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of John Douglas , he was a well-respected editor in this industry . Although I did not have the opportunity to get to know John personally , I constantly hear wonderful things about his dedication and talent in his work . John ' s contributions to the field have made a lasting impact , and he will be greatly missed . My thoughts and sympathies are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time . In honor of John ' s memory , I invite you to visit the in memoriam page at page 17 . As the new editor , I will try to honor his legacy and continue the work that he was so passionate about . I ’ m honored and grateful to be given this opportunity .
As for me , I ’ ll keep it short and sweet . My name is Alex Carmichael . I ’ m a 25 year old entrepreneur , front-end developer , bodybuilder and photographer . I specialize in all forms of media whether it ’ s social , digital or print . Alongisde working a full-time job as an Applications IT specialist for the Ministry of Finance , I update all the CPA show / contest websites and edit the bimonthly newsletters ( with this one being my first ). In bodybuilding , I ’ ve competed a total of 4 times composed of 3 regional shows and 1 national show in the span of 3 years , all natural , in the men ’ s physique division . This year , I have another show , the Ottawa Classic in June . I hope to one day earn my Natural IFBB Pro Card !
Anyway ... enough about me , let ’ s get back to the newsletter !
Lesley Timbol gives us a deeper look into the phenomenon knows as “ Imposter Syndrome ”. AKA how I feel right now as the editor ... But seriously , if it ’ s a feeling you ’ ve experience before , you need to read this .
Jed Wightman shows us exactly what to expect from creatine and why it ’ s uses are beneficial to anybody . Not just bodybuilders . This article is an entertaining read with Jed ’ s personality shining through every sentence . Creatine is one of the most misunderstood supplements in the game , don ’ t miss out on this read .
Keep an eye out for the next issue ! There ’ s always more news coming out surrounding the CPA . Enjoy the read !