MARCH 2022
Dear Members :
Our first CPA competition is only weeks away . We seem to be breathing easier with restrictions being lifted across Canada , there ’ s almost a sense of normalcy in the fitness community . This newsletter is loaded with posters of contests across Canada and behind every competition we see a team of hard-working individuals putting their resources , time , and effort into promoting competitions .
I want to congratulate all our ambassadors who are stepping up to the plate early in the season to help educate our new competitors with posing clinics , seminars , and podcasts . This is what keeps the CPA strong , our members well informed and our competitions rules consistent across Canada .
We are also changing and even saving lives within our CPA community . Social media posts and pictures of our competitors on various websites are influencing many to set goals for themselves and aspire to a life of health and wellness . To that end regional promoters have added transformation events to their stage to support the efforts of those individuals and recognize their accomplishment .
The Toronto Pro SuperShow team also feels the same way as many of our CPA promoters , ambassadors , and trainers and has introduced a Radical Body Transformations event to this year ’ s competition . This will be a celebration of the life changing transformation that individuals have accomplished . The event is being hosted and promoted by James Hergott , one of our CPA members and competitor . James will also document and film this event for a potential television documentary to inspire more individuals who may need these types of life changing examples to motivate them .
We are a sport of gifted athletes . The hard work of many of our athletes stepping on stage is just not rewarded with trophies , medals , and awards , they are also rewarded in the knowledge they are playing it forward to those inspired by seeing them on stage and hearing their stories of overcoming many obstacles to finally have the courage to compete .
We have come a long way to where we are now and are opening our doors to anyone who sets their goals to participate on the Toronto Pro SuperShow stage . The CPA looks forward to welcoming this new event to our fitness community .
Ron Hache , President , Canadian Physique Alliance