My Fitness Journey “ The only limits that exist are the ones in your own mind .” I know as at my heaviest I was 273 lbs . I was ashamed and embarrassed of the way I looked . I would consciously avoid looking into the mirror . I felt lost , hopeless and sad . I turned to food which only made the problem worse .



My Fitness Journey “ The only limits that exist are the ones in your own mind .” I know as at my heaviest I was 273 lbs . I was ashamed and embarrassed of the way I looked . I would consciously avoid looking into the mirror . I felt lost , hopeless and sad . I turned to food which only made the problem worse .

A little over 10 years ago , I gave birth to my first child and felt pure love , joy and happiness . I promised myself at that time that I ’ d lose the weight . I had so much to live for ! I wanted to be able to run after my little girl , to play with her in the park and teach her to live healthy and happy life . I knew to do this I had to lead by example . It ’ s been a long journey but I ’ m very proud to say that I now have four children and I can run around with all my kids , go down the slide with them and be a strong and confident mom for them and myself .